Surgery is an important aspect of veterinary care, and at Happy Tails Animal Hospital, we understand that the thought of your pet undergoing surgery can be stressful. That’s why we take every precaution to ensure your pet’s safety and comfort before, during, and after surgery.

Our team of experienced veterinarians and skilled technicians use state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to perform a wide range of surgical procedures, including spays and neuters, soft tissue surgeries, and orthopedic surgeries. We also provide comprehensive pre-operative and post-operative care to ensure your pet’s speedy recovery.

We understand that each pet is unique, and we take the time to tailor our surgical approach to meet the individual needs of your pet. We will discuss all available options and provide you with the information you need to make an informed decision about your pet’s surgery.

Symptoms Indicating the Need for Surgery:

Certain conditions and symptoms might indicate that your pet requires surgical intervention:

  • Persistent limping or difficulty moving
  • Lumps, bumps, or growths on the skin or underneath
  • Difficulty eating or swallowing
  • Breathing problems or continuous coughing
  • Open wounds that don’t heal
  • Abdominal swelling or discomfort
  • Changes in bathroom habits, such as blood in urine or stool

Why Surgery is Needed:

Opting for surgery can:

  • Remove tumors or growths, preventing the spread of cancer.
  • Repair injuries from accidents or traumas.
  • Address congenital abnormalities.
  • Improve the quality of life by alleviating pain or discomfort.
  • Prevent complications from diseases or conditions.

Treatment Process:

When your pet needs surgery at Happy Tails Animal Hospital, rest assured they are in competent hands. Here’s a snapshot of the surgical journey:

  1. Pre-Surgery Consultation: The Happy Tails team evaluates your pet’s health and decides on the best surgical approach.
  2. Preoperative Preparations: This includes fasting and possible pre-surgery medications.
  3. Anesthesia Administration: To ensure your pet’s comfort during the procedure.
  4. Surgical Procedure: Performed with precision, care, and state-of-the-art equipment.
  5. Post-Operative Monitoring: Ensuring your pet wakes up comfortably and safely from anesthesia.
  6. Recovery and Care Plan: Detailed instructions will be provided on how to care for your pet post-surgery, including medication, diet, and activity levels.


A veterinarian holding a dog in need of surgery for a medical issue

While not all surgeries are preventable, certain measures can reduce risks:

  • Regular check-ups to catch potential issues early.
  • Ensuring your pet maintains a healthy weight and diet.
  • Providing a safe environment to prevent accidents or traumas.
  • Following advice and guidelines provided by the Happy Tails team.


The majority of pets undergoing surgery at Happy Tails Animal Hospital see significant improvements in their health and overall well-being. With state-of-the-art facilities and an unwavering commitment to your pet’s health, the chances of a successful surgical outcome are high.


What should I expect before my pet’s surgery?

Before your pet’s surgery, we will perform a comprehensive pre-operative evaluation to ensure your pet is healthy enough for surgery. We will also provide you with detailed instructions on how to prepare your pet for surgery, including fasting and other pre-operative requirements.

How long does it take for pets to recover from surgery?

Recovery time varies depending on the type of surgery and your pet’s individual health and age. Our veterinarians will provide you with detailed instructions on how to care for your pet after surgery and monitor their recovery.

Is anesthesia safe for pets?

Anesthesia is generally safe for pets, but it does carry some risks. At Happy Tails Animal Hospital, we take every precaution to ensure your pet’s safety during surgery, including performing a comprehensive pre-operative evaluation and monitoring your pet’s vital signs throughout the procedure. We also use the latest anesthesia techniques and equipment to minimize the risks associated with anesthesia.

Taking the Next Step for Your Pet’s Well-being:

No one knows your pet better than you do. If you observe any changes in behavior, habits, or health, it’s essential to consult with a professional. For surgical consultations and solutions, reach out to Dr. Ashrdeep Mann at Happy Tails Animal Hospital at 425-254-2779. Your pet’s health is our top priority.

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