Routine health exams are a cornerstone of preventive veterinary care. At Happy Tails Animal Hospital in Renton, WA, comprehensive exams provided by Dr. Ashrdeep Mann and the dedicated staff play a pivotal role in maintaining the overall health and well-being of your pets.

Exams are an essential part of your pet’s overall health and wellness. At Happy Tails Animal Hospital, we offer comprehensive wellness exams for pets of all ages and breeds. During an exam, our skilled veterinarians will perform a thorough physical evaluation to assess your pet’s overall health, including their eyes, ears, teeth, coat, heart, lungs, and more. We also take the time to discuss any concerns or questions you may have about your pet’s health or behavior.

In addition to wellness exams, we also offer specialized exams for specific health concerns, such as senior pet exams, puppy and kitten exams, and pre-surgical exams. Our goal is to help your pet live a long, happy, and healthy life, and regular exams are essential for achieving this goal.

Symptoms Indicating the Need for an Exam:

Regular exams can help identify health issues before they become serious. Be attentive to these symptoms in your pet:

  • Changes in appetite or water consumption
  • Unusual weight loss or gain
  • Behavioral changes like increased aggression or lethargy
  • Abnormal discharge from eyes, ears, or nose
  • Difficulty walking or standing
  • Persistent coughing or sneezing
  • Changes in bathroom habits

Why Regular Exams are Needed:

A cat and dog with a veterinarian for routine Exams

Routine health exams are crucial for:

  • Early detection of diseases and conditions.
  • Monitoring the growth and development of young pets.
  • Assessing and maintaining the health of adult and senior pets.
  • Discussing nutrition, behavior, and any lifestyle or environmental changes.
  • Keeping vaccinations and parasite prevention up to date.

Examination Process:

Here’s what you can expect during a health exam at Happy Tails Animal Hospital:

  1. Thorough Health Evaluation: Includes checking heart rate, lung function, body condition, and examining the skin, coat, eyes, ears, and mouth.
  2. Behavioral Assessment: Observing your pet’s behavior for any signs of stress or discomfort.
  3. Diagnostic Testing (if necessary): This might include blood tests, urine analysis, or imaging like X-rays.
  4. Vaccination Updates: Ensuring your pet is current with their vaccinations.
  5. Parasite Prevention: Checking for signs of parasites and updating preventive treatments.
  6. Nutritional Counseling: Providing tailored advice on diet and weight management.
  7. Customized Health Plan: Based on the exam, Dr. Mann will recommend a health plan specific to your pet’s needs.


Preventive measures include:

  • Regular health exams.
  • Maintaining a balanced diet and exercise routine.
  • Keeping up with vaccinations and parasite control.
  • Providing a safe and nurturing environment.


Regular exams at Happy Tails Animal Hospital help ensure your pet enjoys a long, healthy, and happy life. Early detection and intervention in health issues significantly improve the prognosis and quality of life for your pet.


How often should my pet have a wellness exam?

We recommend that all pets have a wellness exam at least once a year, even if they appear to be healthy. Regular check-ups allow us to detect and treat potential health problems before they become more serious.

What should I expect during a wellness exam?

During a wellness exam, our veterinarians will perform a comprehensive physical evaluation of your pet’s overall health, including their eyes, ears, teeth, coat, heart, lungs, and more. We will also take the time to discuss any concerns or questions you may have about your pet’s health or behavior.

What is a senior pet exam?

A senior pet exam is a specialized exam for pets over the age of seven. During a senior pet exam, our veterinarians will perform a comprehensive evaluation to assess your pet’s overall health and detect any age-related health problems. Senior pet exams are essential for maintaining your pet’s health and quality of life as they age.

Ensuring Your Pet’s Lifelong Health:

Your pet deserves the best care to live a healthy and joyful life. Regular exams are key to this goal. For comprehensive health exams and personalized care, contact Happy Tails Animal Hospital at 425-254-2779. Let us be a part of your pet’s journey to wellness.

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